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About Us

Founded in Switzerland in 1972, ASSIST CARD is a first-class global organization dedicated exclusively to providing comprehensive assistance to travelers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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Travel Safe.
Travel With Us.

Pioneers in developing assistance services aimed for the traveler, ASSIST CARD has earned more than 50 years of experience delivering immediate response for any eventuality, anytime, anywhere and for any reason.

A wholly-owned infrastructure

Two people engage in a document signing

8 Regional
assistance centers

Um homem de óculos e fone de ouvido trabalhando em um computador.

Specialized multi-lingual coordinators

Duas pessoas estão apertando as mãos sobre uma mesa de madeira

Highly trained teams

Um homem sentado em um terminal de aeroporto, olhando para o telefone

Uninterrupted service 24 hours a day

Two people engage in a document signing

Robust network of
qualified providers